Maybe you're reading this because you are someone who suffers knee hitting, rapid breathing, heart, feeling the panic attacks at random. It hurts for you, as it used to hurt me when I saw the spawning of these symptoms to my heart. Sometimes I could hardly breathe through them and everything is quiet once in a short time, but others, which landed in the emergency room of my local hospital. I felt like a prisoner who rarely knew what was going to make his entrance. A variety of treatments for my ailments. Once, in my teens, I had tunnel vision and the best students I took her hand and asked me to talk about all that has been "stressing" in my life. I do not know if it was just that express my suffering or the fact that I desperately wanted to see that her shaved my beautiful face organic vision began to materialize again in every corner of my limited perception.
My own very gentle dentist suggested I go see an "advisor" through his face bathed in tears after hearing my own desperate calls for help to resolve the anxiety and fear that I have ever more face every day. I was a tender 25 years. She suggested that the road before I can receive a prescription for anxiety medication delete. The result was not favorable as the "advisor" seems rather confused and devoid of character structure and seemed really need help much more than me. Some little light in me struggling to find a solution that was lasting, permanent and natural. Knowing that I was against the diagnosis of my own mother's schizophrenia, manic depression and possible suicide when I was eight years has not helped either. Over time, I began to feel that I was about to "lose the head", and panic attacks that get closer to the terror.
Every hour, I had a feeling of terror inside could be the base of my back. Episodes of anxiety began to grow. I had to solve this problem. If you suffer the same situation, it is important to consider all options before diving medicine, or meditation. I'm a man based on the results, and if I'm going to continue treatment modalities, I need to know what is going to work, why and what the potential risks and side effects. I want to share what I found, in order to fully evaluate the consequences. Otherwise, do not solve my panic attacks for a long time and have not had even a year 8:01 pm. I am 46 and I have a pen here. Fortunately, even though I know it was more or less need of treatment for panic attacks, I was able to solve it, of course.
I'll start, however, giving the advantages and disadvantages of the drugs prescribed for panic attacks. The problem is that the chemical protocol is not curative, but suppression, and increases the state of chronic conditions. Most people know this, because once you take away the drugs, the symptoms return again in sight. Medications can be helpful in the short term, if you just need your input to understand how you treat your symptoms over time. Can provide the illusion of a better head, which can be extremely useful in the present, but as a management tool, where you can have highly undesirable side effects. Some of the harmful side effects that might be considered include the liver, kidneys and lymph toxicity. The other thing to understand is that these drugs do not have access to e-motions to enjoy.
I had people tell me that while on their medications. I could no longer feel the emotions of the characters in a movie or total rupture of empathy with her daughter with her boyfriend. People often feel anxiety about drugs "flat lined" emotionally and that can allow a person to feel cheated in the area of their lives. Could not jump right into the field of printing of sympathy or empathy. My own grandmother, yes, my mom's side, unfortunately lived long-term tranquilizers. Her eyes empty and void "yes, dear" as a response to each challenge was downright pathetic. Despised him for not having the courage to tackle the root of their woes and want to avoid at all costs, it was like being committed to a "hole" woman. Many times I wanted to scream at her just to see if I could follow the life of her coma. There was no real person contact me and died years before his physical body died.
Most folks don't know this, but the Pharmaceutical companies have been using the same tranquilizers and benzodiazepines for years. The chief ones available to us modern folk are:
* Xanax (alprazolam)
* Klonopin (clonazepam)
* Valium (diazepam)
* Ativan (lorazepam)
Even if they are short acting, brings calm, or "relief" for about thirty minutes to an hour after taking them, it is a long-term disadvantages that are generally not specified in the doctor's office . calming effect on the first take to speed up the quality paralyzing, as I said, above all the time. Other side effects may include fatigue, blurred, and the lack of coordination. People often justify their very low concentrations, but also in micro-doses of benzodiazepines, can cause problems with work, school or daily activities like driving. Some individuals reported drug hangover the next day, which can affect the motivation and the joy of life. Depending on the individual, some people report feeling "Sped" of anxiety or aggravation of the state of precipitation mania, impulsivity, hallucinations, hostility, anger and even panic attacks myself what is the opposite of the patient is looking for.
Over time, the medication can build up in the system, if proper detoxification is not employed, causing the patient to feel like they are permanently inebriated.
Look for these common side effects of benzodiazepines or tranquilizers and work with your Doctor to adjust dosage or switch the type of medication until these symptoms are more minimal:
* Drowsiness
* Lack of energy
* Clumsiness
* Slow reflexes
* Slurred speech
* Confusion and disorientation
* Depression Dizziness
* Light-headedness Impaired thinking and judgement Memory loss, forgetfulness Nausea, stomach upset Blurred or double vision
Benzodiazepines are also associated with depression. You will need to monitor long-term side effects of benzodiazepines, such as suicidal thoughts. Feeling spouse, children and parents can be exacerbated by time and, unfortunately, affect the long-term relationships. My mother and my grandmother was a witness of this for me. If you choose the route of chemical drugs is essential that the anti-anxiety medication can not be combined with other drugs. In addition, an overdose can be fatal when taken in high doses or in combination with other CNS depressants. When anti-anxiety drugs alcohol, painkillers or sleeping pills can be deadly. dangerous drug interactions can also occur if you take anti-anxiety drugs, antihistamines, which in many over-the-counter cold and allergy medicines. Remember that antidepressants like Prozac and Zoloft can also increase their toxicity.
If you have a break and your panic attacks do not you like the waves of work. You can take a look at more natural ways to manage your condition. It was the road I started with me and helped immensley. Although my symptoms most advanced eventually propel me in the basics, herbalism, I went this route during the first regime practice protocols that scared me more drugs. As you can imagine, I was ready to try anything to avoid my grandmother and a mother. Livingstone closed, was numbed-out on prescription drugs or suicidal thoughts are not viable options for me. I needed to answer that directly. Some non-viable medical treatment available panic attack may start with psycho-dynamic, including cognitive behavioral therapy, for example.
I used a system called Heil arts medicine (art of medicine and healing) to solve my own problems that organizes all treatments in the three territories will start with a foundation in changes in diet and lifestyle, followed by homeopathic medicine and treatments and cognitive behavioral therapy to address the basic fears and belief structures. Not all of their primary practice, all three of these jurisdictions, but I'm happy to help you find one, if you need it. The first skill Heil Art therapy promotes regular exercise, adequate sleep, a healthier diet, improve your relationships, and drug treatment in depth. Often people think that adding a protocol of regular oil, minerals, green beans and remove their diet alone can have a cleansing effect on their panic attacks. Resolution spikes in sugar and lack of proper nutrition with nutritional supplements all can go a long way to help prospective anxious moments.
Live blood analysis is an excellent practitioner can also help to source the cause of your panic attacks, stating the toxicity of heavy metals and demanding, if you actually absorb the water. Water has the ability to extend the cell, just like your body is trying to be widened in terror. If each cell is shielded and wrapped in salt, then your whole body. When anxiety broke out, push to ease against the shielded cells causes tension in the body which produces sweating, heart palpation and general acceleration, as if you explode. Your concern is just trying to "expand" and the dissolution of your armor. He just goes about it with great pain and debilitating affects. Unfortunately, nature can be kind of rough on his way to try to resolve things on your behalf.
If you provide reliable tools and logic, such as homeopathic medicines, which are based on the natural law of cure, "like cures like" and, furthermore, cognitive therapies, including character analysis and biofeedback, which really can eliminate the cause of their anxiety and treatment protocols that work address and resolve their problems in the long term without side effects like me. I found it really is not about the elimination or suppression of anxiety at all. Rather it is to solve the overflow, and conversion to harness the power of these e-motions (= "energy in motion") in a medium where they serve you with full knowledge, creativity and inspiration. Eventually, your own conscience and more than half of the sentiments and impressions of life that enrich your life, not dumb.